Tuesday, December 13, 2005

And your little dog, too!

Run! Run! as fast as you can....
You know the story. I just thought it was too cute today when my students were writing to the prompt :" Imagine you are the runaway gingerbread man. Where would you run? Why?" and one little girl (granted, a future dumb blond, but that's just my opinion) kept saying GINGERHEAD. Dearie, it's BREAD, BREAD, like food! See how like the wicked witch I sound?!? "dearie" I'll get you, my pretty!!! Suppose it was a self-fulfilling prophesy that I played the wicked witch in a play when I was in high school, eh? In my defense, I'm a smart wicked witch. Why, just this week I've taught them the words sinister, and beholder. As in "Take off that ski mask, it looks sinister." And, "Don't call him weird...Weird is in the eye of the beholder." (of course they said, respectively, "I don't know what sinister means." and "What's a beholder?") Ok, enough about school.
Want to waste a few minutes with Christmas fun? Now, fetch me my broom!