Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Into the Wild Blue Yonder

I just talked to my boy in blue... or is it camo? That's mainly what he wears, I guess. Although, he will be wearing that handsome dress uniform for the wedding. dreamy. It is a bit after noon there. So weird to think that he's almost a day ahead of me. Sometimes I ask him how tomorrow looks. He doesn't think it's as funny as I do. Anyway, I will be taking to the air on June 4th to visit him!! yay! The base
apparently is quite large and spread out. There are all the amenities of any larger base here in the states, such as movie theater, gym (which is good because I still have to fit into THAT DRESS), and shops. But, my real desire is to spend some time in the 'real' Korea. Not that I delude myself into thinking I am a world traveler and know what I'm doing, but I would like to be able to post pictures and write about my time there. Wouldn't that be the most fun and (from the aspect of just connecting as a human being) rewarding and awe-inspiring job?? To get to travel and be paid to write about it? Okay, I am dreaming here. As I'm sure he will be spending many of my days there still working, I might have to get brave and take a bus by myself to tour the DMZ. Wish me luck ...

1 comment:

SlushTurtle said...

I agree, that would be the best job ever. I always look at Samantha Brown on the Travel Channel and think 'if her husband happens to be her camera man, then her life must be perfect....'