Saturday, May 28, 2005

Click Your Heels Three Times...

Ah, if only it were as easy as it is in the movies...alas, I had to get up early the day after the final day of school and DRIVE two hours in Memorial Day weekend traffic to get to my parents' house (aka "home"). All I want to do is curl up in a little ball and sleep for days. But, there is work to be done! Mom and I spent a few hours tonight going through addresses for the wedding invitations. Why do boys get to skip out on this pleasure? It's truly unfair and I expect to be compensated with flowers and jewelry for my inconvenience. I won't hold my breath...
Anyway, I did slip in a couple hours to catch up with a friend and go see a movie. "Monster in Law" is quite funny for any bride-to-be and you should go see it just so you can chuckle at how frightenly TRUE this scenario feels as the BIG DAY inches closer. I know my mother in law is really great and doesn't smother her baby boy as Jane Fonda (blech) does in this movie, but the emotions portrayed must be true of any mother in law...letting go of her son to another woman must be hard. Well, not that letting him go to another MAN would be any easier, but I digress.
I feel loony from lack of rest, so off to bed with me. I'll leave you with this very witty site I happened upon today. Don't let the name fool you, it's good for a few minutes' perusal and a good chuckle. Happy surfing and goodnight!

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