Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Off We Go....

Well, as school winds down here, the students are writing a story and I am trying to figure out how this whole BLOGSPOT thing works. So far, I am a total failure at my attempts to put a picture on here. Too bad, that, because I just know that my picture would look smashing next to my profile...especially if it was the one of me in my lovely wedding dress. And, after spending that much money on one outfit, I want the entire world to enjoy its splendor! Yes, that is definite foreshadowing as to the length of my wedding. And, I might just wear it for the entire 6 hour drive to Galveston after the reception if I feel like it. I'm all about getting my money's worth. After all, how many times in your life does a girl get to be a princess?!?

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