Friday, June 03, 2005

Overpacking and other travel hazards

So, I am all packed for my trip and trying desperately to keep my stomach from churning up some vomit (how ladylike of me to mention that, eh?). I am SUCH an overpacker that I fear it might actually be grounds for divorce someday. Not really, but I do take it to the extreme. I mean, do I REALLY need four pairs of flip flops? The answer is yes, for really, you need one in all the necessary colors ..white, black, green, brown, and blue. Wait, I just remembered red..make that five pairs. Am I crazy? I actually borrowed a monstrous backpacky looking duffle thingy from a friend because I didn't feel mine was big enough. And, I went to Old Navy and bought a BIG purse so that I can push the limits of my 'one carry on and a purse' restriction! I fear he may leave me at the airport when he sees me dragging all of this for him to load onto the bus. Yes, he's riding the bus to pick me up. I can't convince him to play in the Incheon Airport. I would really like to spend some time in it, because it apparently was ranked 5th in the world for International Airports and has some wonderful restaurants and shopping. Sad how little it takes to impress me, don't you think? Well, I've been reading my Korea tour book and did you know you can order dogmeat soup in some restaurants?!? I will be practicing the phrase "I don't eat meat" on the plane. Maybe I can lose a few pounds while I'm away.


SlushTurtle said...

You soooooo crack me up. Dogmeat might be good... I bet it tastes like chicken.

Come home soon!

Toni said...

or...does chicken taste like dog? Something to think might change our whole perspective on things. What if EVERYTHING we've been saying tastes like chicken actually tastes like dog?!?