Wednesday, June 08, 2005

South Korean Memorial Day

My apologies...I thought Memorial Day here was June 8th! It was actually the day after I arrived here: June 6th. Here are a couple pics that I could find. I wonder why they are having their anti-American demonstration outside the base gates today? hmmm Anyway, that's supposed to start in about an hour. Apparently it happens quite often and we think it's for publicity (the news is coming). They say it's all the University students in Seoul that come down to stage the demonstrations. Maybe it's like Korea's version of Berkeley? Guess people are the same everywhere, eh?


carmilevy said...

It's apparently a tradition in Korea for students to protest. It almost doesn't matter WHAT they're protesting. As long as they're out in the streets being swept away by the high-powered water guns of the riot police, everything is as it should be.

Great blog!

Toni said...

Thanks!! I was wondering if anyone (other than my friends whom I beg to read it) ever read. Update on that protest: the call came in early this morning that they moved the protest to another location. They don't seem very 'organized', but what do I know?!