Sunday, June 05, 2005


So, you know this place (Osan Air Force Base) isn't that bad when you arrive and there are people walking into the on base hotel with Baskin Robbins cups! Seriously, this is NOT rough! Check out all you can do on base... cooking classes, VBS, foreign language classes, tours,'s pretty nice.
But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you about getting here: it sucked. No other words describe it as well as that. The plane was a mere 212 degrees and eating meals onboard was like trying to dine on a roller coaster. Don't get me wrong...the food was amazing (I'd recommend Korean Air to anyone, if for nothing else than the fact that they have the prettiest planes and the most gorgeous airline attendants. Seriously, there is some major discriminatory hiring going on there. They all look like 18 year old porcelain-skinned actresses. If I were a Korean girl, that is definitely what I'd be!...ok enough of this parenthesied aside.) but it was hard to dine with all the little REAL dishes and silverware crowding my lap table and have good table manners during the turbulence. I found myself hoping that I wouldn't vomit my delicious meals because it would only add to the difficulty I was having with the lady next to me, who spoke no English or Korean. Talk about having it hard..she was disconnected from everything going on. She just used hand gestures and nods to communicate to us.
Ok, a little about the plane... it was HUGE. There was an upstairs, which I've never seen in real life. I imagine they were up there dancing around in ballgowns, eating 'I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" while I was crowded up, craning my neck to see the tv screen and wondering 'What's that smell?' most of the time. The postives were: 1) they showed three movies I'd never seen , including one surprisingly good Korean one called Mapado. It was clever, but in a very Western way, which may be why I was surprised. 2) they had little individually wrapped toothbrush/toothpaste sets in the bathrooms for us 3)they passed out cool towellettes after take off and hot towels right before dinner 4)they offered juice and water about 27 times..that's not an exageration! I'm sure I had about 3000 calories on that plane.
I have to admit I wasn't brave enough to eat the bibimbap, but I will do that soon. My sweetie and I had kimchi and bulgogi last night. It wasn't much different than the Asian food I've had in Little Rock. Maybe I should try the dog.... Which reminds me, he saw a big truck on the way to pick me up at the airport that was full of cages. You know, the ones we see on the highways carrying chickens? Yeah, they were full of DOGS.
Well, it's only 8 a.m. but I am thinking of walking over to the BX to see what I can waste some money on. I am too tired to try to go back into the nearby town, much less Seoul or Incheon. That can wait a few days. I did get some WON and let me say...the exchange rate isn't that great when you consider how much things cost. I traded $20 and got about enough for two movie tickets...but not quite. Isn't that sad?!? Anyway, that's most of it so far. Hope to be able to add pictures soon. Pray for him....I really want him to take some time off (he plans on working 12 hours today!), and if he doesn't spend some time with me I might get very testy and then he'd have to call of the wedding because he'd see how selfish I really am!

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