Wednesday, June 08, 2005


This post is for everyone that I've asked lately "Is the post office a govt. agency?" and they've argued with me that they KNOW it is... I knew I'd heard or read somewhere that it was actually a misconception that it is a branch, agency, whatever you call it of the US govt. While I conceded the argument at the time because my friends started to think I was stupid, I never let go of my resolve that I HAD heard that somewhere...and we all know I'm rarely wrong. teehee
Well, here is the best summary of my research, found on this site, which is basically some guy's rant about paying for his PO box or something like that...anyway, it makes my point and backs it up with references to govt. acts and everything. I TOLD YOU SO: "Well, local rumor [which I have not verified] says that my local "Post Office" [which is what the sign outside still reads at least 25 years after it ceased to be a Post Office of the United States of America] is a contractor to, or franchisee of, the USPS.That means they would be a private company [owned by: who knows?], contracting with THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE, and doing business as my local Post Office.Or it may mean there is a branch of a "specalized agency" of the UNITED NATIONS [a foreign, and possibly "enemy", entity to the united States of America] openly and conspicuously maintaining a presence in my city, while pretending to be a representative of the united States of America."
Please read the entire post so that you can be a smartypants like me, while simultaneously making your friends THINK that you are stupid. :)

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